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Showing posts from June, 2018

Employee Accountability Changes and Updates for the Workplace

Employee Accountability Changes and Updates for the Workplace Protesters heckled Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen as she sat at a Mexican restaurant in Washington, DC Protesters heckled Kirstjen Nielsen, the US Homeland Security secretary, on Tuesday as she sat in a Mexican restaurant in Washington, DC. Employee Accountability Training Being accountable is not a negative term as many believe it is. Being accountable is having pride in your quality of work and ensuring all details are covered. In this sense, you are accountable or responsible for all the success it brings but also if there are any shortcomings that need to addressed. Having an accountable attitude towards tasks gives a greater sense of belonging and pride and often times increases the passion for the project exponentially! Training options available Australia wide in Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and many more locations! Q&A: Ana Cardoso, VP of HR emerging markets BU, Ta